RIT Kids on Campus

MystMASTER 2006!

Captain Oblivious beta version available.

Quest alpha version available.

Welcome to the Workshop

The following SIX games from previous "MystMaker" workshops are available in executable format for both Macintosh (OS X) & Windows systems (in the same archive). (These files are compressed using the .ZIP format)

Warped.zip - From 2005, Session 1 (has some incomplete portions)
Zom-B - From 2005, Session 2
The Field Trip (12 MB) - From 2004, Session 1
Medieval Elements (8.7 MB) - From 2004, Session 2
Escape from WHEE!-Land (6.2 MB) - From 2001, Session 1
ArcheoVenture (13.1 MB) - From 2001, Session 2

Also, the following FOUR games are in two separate files and are in executable format for Mac OS X only. (These files are compressed using the .SIT format -- see note below)

Agent 00X & Throne of Time (8.3 MB) - From 2003, Session 1
Medium Throttle & Ripoff Revenge (9.7 MB) - From 2003, Session 2

Files in the .sit (StuffIt) format which can be extracted on mac or windows platform using the free StuffIt Expander application. If you have a Mac, chances are that the application is already on your computer.

Executable Windows versions of these programs do not yet exist, however if you have Director version 8.5 (or newer) or the 30-day trial version of Director installed for any platform, you can play the games by downloading the .sit file(s) and opening the "start.dir" file with Director and pressing the PLAY button.


One other older KOC game is also available:
Islands of MYSTery (12 MB) (Mac OS 9 executable-ready -- also in .sit format)

Files for LASTING WORKING DAY of Workshop
Work from Wednesday

Files for Wednesday of Workshop
Work from Tuesday

Files for Tuesday of Workshop
Work from Monday

Files for Monday of Workshop
Work from Friday

Files for Friday of Workshop
Work from Thursday

Files for Thursday of Workshop
Work from Wednesday

Files for 3rd Day of Workshop:
Demo Files
MystMASTER Session 2 Start Files

Link to the main Kids on Campus website