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March 10, 2005
My Father
It's only been a little over an hour since I learned that my father passed away in the middle of the night, last night. I'd known since Saturday that his health had greatly deteriorated from the last time I'd seen him (at Christmas). He was in the hospital later that day, and although signs were a little hopeful and many people were praying, we found out around lunch yesterday that he could pass away at any time.
I had made the plan to head down (to Pennsylvania) on Friday, because my schedule isn't all that flexible, but it wasn't quick enough to make it to see him while he was still here on earth. I will be traveling home soon... I don't know yet if I'll leave today or stick with the original plan. There are some missing pieces of information that I still need to gather about all of that.
I want to thank those of you who were praying through this situation. My mother is apparently doing pretty well, and I'm doing fairly well, too... My sister (and her husband) who live closest to my parents have been very strong and have been on top of the situation.
I will probably write a longer piece about my father soon, but for now, I just think it's enough to say that there is absolutely nothing in my father's life that I can't hold up and say here is something that my Dad did with integrity, ingenuity, and drive.
I am sad that he wasn't able to witness my wedding while he was still walking upon this earth, and I'm not sure that now that he's in heaven (of which I'm certain -- not because he was a 'good man' -- which he was -- but that he knew Christ as his Savior -- and you could tell)... I'm not sure that he doesn't have better things to be paying attention to... but if he can observe the wedding later this year that he'll be pleased.
I love you, Dad, and I will always remember you and the example that you set for me.

Posted by Andrew at March 10, 2005 07:10 AM
Andy, I am so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Posted by: Julia at March 10, 2005 10:34 AM
Andy-you have my condolences.
Posted by: Pete B at March 15, 2005 09:19 PM