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January 11, 2005

Update on my free stuff sites.

Well, I'm only 2 referrals away from a free Nintendo DS [this is a referral link]. Any help out there?

I have 4 people signed up, and only 1 completed offer out of 10 needed for a free iPod photo [this is also a referral link]. Something tells me that this will be harder to actually accomplish. But I'm still hopeful.

So, I wonder how soon before someone puts up a site for the new iPod shuffle [links to apple page] that was just announced at MacWorld. It will probably only take like 3 referrals... if they offer the $99 version.

And maybe someone would help me get a free Mac mini [links to apple page] to install at Lori's or my parents?

The relevant domain names are all signed up for already... www.freeipodshuffles.com, www.freemacminis.com, www.freeshuffleipods.com, www.freemacs.com, etc. But I can't tell if they're signed up by Gratis or some other opportunistic folks.

Posted by Andrew at January 11, 2005 03:01 PM


I was wondering the same thing about Gratis possibilities for the new items. I'd go for a Mac mini for myself and an iPod shuffle for Tracey. I propose a deal: assuming they both show up, I'll sign up under you for one if you'll sign up for the other under me. How's that sound? :-D

Posted by: Scott at January 11, 2005 03:36 PM