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August 07, 2003

Whoops... Well, it's almost still Wednesday...

Well, I guess it's not all that important that the postings come within the exact 24-hr time-frame...

But today went well, but it was pretty much busy the whole time. Meeting in the morning went well... It was nice to see my two main ministry areas connecting a bit more.

After that, enjoyed a lunch with Christmas and got caught up a bit. I would like to note that Palmero's Sub Station, while they make pretty good subs, seems to have an identity crisis in their Pittsford store. The interior of the store looks like it should be an upscale coffee house, but it's lacking all of the nice touches that such a place would have... But since it's really a sub shop, it misses on both accounts.

I think it's also a symptom of trying to be a "Pittsford-y" kind of store. Things need to have a upscale look in Pittsford, NY... If I remember correctly, they even got upset when McDonald's painted their store with their new color scheme of Red, Yellow, and White... The repainted the Pittsford store to be more "subdued"... Snooty Pittsfordians... :) Wish I could be one. (hee)

After that, went home for a short bit before going to Games@Six for the evening... Some of the games played (links to Boardgame Geek): Pick Picknic, Electronic Taboo, Pyramizzle (Steve's Alpha Game), Glenn's Alpha Space Exploration/Colonization Game, Ra, Name Burst, Vampire... I think that's most of them.

We stayed pretty late. Hence why I'm writing this at 2:30am (ish)

Good Night.

Posted by Andrew at August 7, 2003 02:38 AM
