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March 04, 2003

inboxometer hits 6 month low...

Cool! my "inboxometer" has hit a level of 42 messages! This, again, is the measure of how many message I have in my main e-mail box waiting for me to deal with them. I probably won't get it much lower before the next quarter starts... It also doesn't take into effect my First Class account which is filled with more of my academic stuff. That one is still at 241, but with a little bit of effort, I should be able to lower that one pretty quickly.

I'm going to go see the doctor tomorrow morning at 10am about my cough. I'm hoping that any medicine or treatment that I need to take will have an effect by the evening. Still need to go see that movie!

Looks like some friends of mine are going to be coordinating a day of boardgames later this week, so I'm looking forward to that... I think I'll be spending a lot of Thusday at my office getting ready for Spring Quarter.

That's the plan at the moment.

Posted by Andrew at March 4, 2003 08:44 PM
