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January 06, 2003

Slowing down?

Well, it's now the 6th day of my experiment. I'm almost half-way through my "commitment" of doing this for 2 weeks. So far, it's been not so bad, but I worry that I'm becoming busy once again. This is the end of the first day of classes and all of those other obligations are rising up for me to take notice of... My inboxometer is hovering at 256 right at the moment. I still have preparation to do for a class tomorrow, which might include a re-installation of Director 8.5 onto my laptop (it stopped working on me before the break). I seem to have a near impossible time of getting any course-related work done at home, but I do have two hours of "office hours" in the morning tomorrow which would give me a little bit of preparation time, but it's not a reliable time slot... (what if a bunch of students actually show up and need help... although that's rare... it could happen) and then the time that I planned on having is gone.

Well, I will get by... We also have our first IT departmental meeting in our new big conference room tomorrow... for once everyone might have a table to put their food on! Okay, I'm going now...

Posted by Andrew at January 6, 2003 11:54 PM
