Hughesville High School (HHS)

Class of 1989 - United Yet Unique

or, alternately: United Yet Disconnected

The following page is merely a list of students who graduated from Hughesville High School, Hughesville PA, in 1989.

It was created in hopes of making contact with some of the people on the list. This page's URL has been submitted to all of the major web search engines. People, being the naturally curious lot that they are, usually search for their own name on the Internet at least ONCE... Here's hoping that some of the folks on this list will do that... And when they do that they'll drop a message to me (Andrew Wheeland) at this e-mail address: andrew {AT} wheeland [daht] com

And now... The Class of 1989 List:

(all spellings are from the year book, additional names are what I remember them as or what they might be searched for as)